Thursday, October 29, 2015

Knitting Tip of the Day - Working Stripes or Alternating Skeins, without Weaving in Lots of Ends.

 Today's Tip

A knitting friend asked me,
”I’m using a hand-dyed yarn for a shawl that uses 2 skeins. Should I alternate skeins? And how do I do it so that edge where the yarn is carried up doesn’t look weird?”
Part 1: you only need to alternate skeins if you can see a difference between the 2 skeins. Sometimes there’s virtually no difference; sometimes it’s an obvious difference.
Part 2: If the shawl has an edging or border, change yarns on the wrong side, just before the end of the row, at the border or edging. This might be 3 sts from the edge, or 8 sts from the edge, whatever makes sense.
For example, work to last 3 sts in current color, twist Yarn A and Yarn B together, and begin using new yarn.
On every WS row, twist the 2 yarns together and change yarns; carry unused yarn loosely up along WS row.
This tip works equally well for stripes too. This way, hardly any ends to weave in.

I used this method on my Willowbrook, Winona, and Molto Bella shawls.  


Molto Bella

Here's a photo of the wrong side:
It barely shows, but if you look closely, you can see the yarn being carried along 3 stitches in from the edge.
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Tweet: Check out this cool knitting tip from Brenda Castiel Fewer ends to weave in!

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